Monday, May 4, 2009

Getting Started

My cats, they are my keepers;
my keepers are my cats.
And if they were not all Keepers,
they would not be My Cats!

Hello!, World! Just taking a break from my Doorman' duties, this fine and lovely, near-summer-ish Cape Breton day! I'm Packrat--prob'ly just one of many another out here/there in ...wherever here/there is in the Cyber-Realm! But that's okay--I'm sure we're all fine Folks and furry Friendly!

I've never been one to keep up letter-correspondances, journals, etc., but...having been greatly encouraged to go ahead and start a blog, by the bestest buncha Folks I've ever had the privilege and Good Fortune to have wound up in the Good Company of...(take a breath, and...see link: Wild Poetry Forum)...I might as well get it over and done with and...GET STARTED, eh?! *LOL*

Actually, this first-time-out-of-the-gate, I don't have anything particularly scintillating to "say"; mostly just wanted to get over the "getting started" cold-feet syndrome. I popped a wee-bit poem in at the top, just to give you a little peek at Life in the Nest...I've three cats, and they make very good company indeed, each one different than the next. It's a circus, but always great fun!

Anyway...I've done this "good", so far; I think I'll "quit while I'm ahead"...for now!

Don't be shy to hop in and say,"Hi!", now...I'm always up for a bit o' comp'ny!!



  1. Hi Packrat! Good to see you in blog-land. :) It's not so scary, really.

    Welcome aboard!

  2. packy, Im so proud of done good. really.

  3. {Heh-heh-heh!!) 'S'not much yet, but it's a start! I'm sure, now, to blabbity-blab a bit more in future! Thanks for stopping in for a peek! ("mittens", eh?! I know who YOU are!! *LOL*)

  4. Packrat eh? With three cats? I must discuss this with HRH Mouchie who is at this moment lounging in his personal pussy cat chair in his office that he graciously shares with me. Ain't life grand?

  5. Hi!, esmereldarose..sorry I didn't see ya,here! I've been involved with a project that's kept my nose buried, right up to my furry whiskers! I'm still playing around its' edges, some,'s all good!
    Learning TONS of new stuff, and that always keeps me plugged in.

    So, does HRH deign to be respected from afar? *LOL* It's a beautiful, sunny, warm day (finally!) here in Cape Breton, and the "boys" (all three of 'em) are long-gone on snoop-'n'-sniff excursions; they show up for a snack of "crunchies" and to "wet their whistles", now and then, and are off again!

    Makes me kinda; never mind! Too right, you are!--> Life IS grand, no matter what it is!! (Now, lemme see...where was that lemon? I'm a-gonna squeeze the SNOT right out'n it...*LOL!!*)

  6. Hi Dearest Packrat, Today when I read your logo update, I wanted to visit your blog that I didn't know before, but I was almost lost between earth and space. Sorry for my silence. I try to be fine as before but not easy for me. How beautiful your blog, well done, congratulations, and yesssss your cats! How much I love cats, I have my Princess! Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and my love and my greetings from my humble day, I always miss you my dear friend. Blessing and Happiness, nia
