Sunday, June 7, 2009

What Can't You Do With It?

Ah, well now...I've had this blog up for awhile, now, and just keep circling and circling it; still wary but "keeping it in mind". Sometimes I tell myself it's just the getting familiar of it, a waiting for the urge to come upon me to write, get something off my mind...

Other times, it's more like a waiting for some "important/interesting" topic to occur to me, with an "Oh! Look at this!" perspective to it; like a discussing of something folks would be interested in and want to comment on, of general interest, etc.

But the realer truth is...if I start "blogging" and talking about some of the stuff that really gets me going...I'm bound to offend people--just about anybody, on some topics--and I can't even imagine surviving the negative feedbacks. Because I wouldn't, in the least, have intended to be offensive--ever; just being straight foreward and honest about (some) things, as I see them.

I don't want to simply avoid any controversy and stick to cutsey profiles of my cats, or how the (expletive deleted) weather is today (or any other day!)... On the other hand, neither do I want to turn this into a rant-stand, a screeching, caterwauling flood of dreck-and-drivel/sniff-and-snivel. Sometimes, though, things (perspectives, issues, etc.) just seem so one-sided; it's hard to imagine figuring it all out without any outside imput. What to do? Hmmmm....!?!


  1. Pack, no matter what you do that's public is bound to offend someone, please someone else, and horrify your mother or your best friend now and then.

    Do what you want. Say what you want. It's your blog, and if someone dislikes what you say that's par for the course. Most times you'll never know about it, anyway.

    I tried three times with three different blogs before I was comfortable enough with the process to write what I felt like writing. And sometimes in the writing, just as in writing a poem, the insight, the bigger picture, begins to shape itself as you go along. Not always, but enough so that you feel like it wasn't a waste of time after all.

  2. Ah, mittens, if it were only that easy...I've spent a lifetime of being "taken the wrong way"--makes me kinda "gun-shy"; it's one thing to have it happen without intent...quite another to set yourself up, knowingly, as a free-hanging target.

  3. well you're not alone there. Im a charter member of the Hoof In Mouth Club, myself.

    After awhile you realize this is the way it always was, the way it always will be, and you have to learn to celebrate that different, out of step drummer--your friends love you anyway, or maybe even because.

    Your enemies get unbounded joy out of watching you lurch along, so that can't be all bad, right? you've managed to bring smiles to their faces...

  4. SM-I-I-I-LE!!...
    It makes 'em wonder what you're UP to!!
    (Be afraid; be VERY afraid!!)
